Paperless archiving

When we talk about paper, we also always talk about digitalising it, or in other words scanning it. You can use all commercially available desktop scanners, multifunctional devices or even large-scale devices from any manufacturer. The existing devices that are already installed at your company can be used without any problems. And you can also use the BvLArchivio app for digitalising and archiving documents.

Your documents, your workflow

You generally have two options for archiving paper documents with BvLArchivio. The first option is a manual process and the second an automatic one. In the case of the manual process, you scan the document to your workstation using a scanner. You can now check at your workstation whether the document is complete and then define the storage location and registry. You use the registry to define the properties according to which the document is saved to the archive and which can be used later on to call up the file from the archive. Finally, the document is transferred to the archive with one click.

In the case of the automatic process, you scan the document directly to the digital archive using a scanner.

The advantage here is that you do not need to manually enter the storage location or the registry attributes after scanning the document. This process is immediately completed for you after scanning.

How does automatic paper archiving with BvLArchivio® work?

Thanks to the ASF technology built into BvLArchivio, you can place single or multiple documents on the scanner, select the corresponding archive from the scanner and scan the documents directly to this archive. Once the process has been completed, the documents will have been correctly and automatically saved to the archive.

Intelligent searches thanks to text recognition

How can the scanned paper documents that have been automatically archived be found again in BvLArchivio? The documents are filed using the text recognition (OCR) function. An optical character recognition software is installed in BvLArchivio. The latest version of this OCR software (also called text recognition software) simplifies work processes in your office. As soon as your scanned paper documents are transferred to BvLArchivio, the automatic text recognition (OCR) function reads all pages of the document. All of the terms and numbers on the document are then saved to the BvLArchivio database. This database saves the storage location and the entire contents of the scanned document for every archived document. If you want to search for a document in the archive later on, the database will respond to your request within a few seconds and make the document available to you. The text recognition function built into BvLArchivio can now handle more than a normal OCR process. It also uses methods for analysing the context – intelligent character recognition (ICR) – to correct the actual results of the OCR process. These methods make it possible, for example, to change what was actually recognised as an “8” into a ”B” if this character is found within a word: “Book” is thus recognised instead of “8ook”. These additional methods are part of BvLArchivio and ensure error-free recognition of the text.

The built-in database technology means that your paper documents are filed multiple times. This does not mean, however, that the document itself is saved multiple times in the archive but rather that there are multiple search options for finding the document later on. You can call up the invoice shown here in the example from the archive at a later point in time using all of the terms and numbers on the document. For example, if you only know the invoice number, you only need to enter this number and BvLArchivio will display the corresponding document. However, you can also search using all of the other terms found on the document. All of the terms on the document are automatically saved as the filing structure in the database and can be used as a search query.

Your own registry and filing attributes

If you do not want to rely solely on the contents of the documents, you can also issue your own registry and filing attributes. The archiving and filing labels that you use today in your paper archive for your folders, drawers or filing cabinets can be fully transferred and thus mapped 1:1 in BvLArchivio.

Even when using your own archiving and filing labels, the aim must still be to utilise the automatic archiving process offered by BvLArchivio. BvLArchivio offers various different options in this context. You can work with control sheets, stamps, you own overprinted data, labels, barcodes or even metadata from the scanner. These options eliminate any time-consuming follow-up work at your workstation after the scanning process.

Example: Control sheet

Using the example of a control sheet, we want to show you how you can already add your own archiving and filing attributes at the time the documents are scanned and thus save yourself a lot of follow-up work at your workstation. You currently use, for example, the following attributes to label the back of a ring binder “2019/January/Invoices/Receipt of goods”. You will not need to label any ring binders in the future. The documents will now be filed in the digital archive. For this purpose, you label a white piece of paper with the attributes that were previously written on the back of the ring binder. In addition, you add the name of the archive (%A%) to the white piece of paper. The letter %A% means that the documents will be archived in archive one (Archivio 1). The terms %START% and %ENDE% mark the sorting properties for the system, meaning your registry and filing attributes.

Add the control sheet as the last page of your document. Now scan the document together with the control sheet. Every document that is scanned together with this control sheet will be archived according to these sorting attributes. The benefit for you: All of the information (whether the specific archive or the filing attributes) is entered on the control sheet so that BvLArchivio automatically knows what to do with the document in the archive. This automatically expands the query options in the archive as a result. You can now not only search based on the contents of the document but also call up documents from the archive based on the filing attributes entered with them, meaning the attributes entered on the control sheet. It is also possible to search the digital archive using a combination of both types of information. In the example shown here, it is possible to search for all invoices from January 2019 but only to display those invoices that were sent to Berlin and on which the item OKI 43881723 was billed. If you have clear rules in your company about how and where specific documents should be filed, simply scan your documents in future together with the metadata. This will save you lots of follow-up work at your workstation. Metadata can be entered in various forms at the time the document is scanned.

Unlimited possibilities

Instead of using a control sheet, there are various other methods for adding metadata. You can e.g. stamp your filing and sorting attributes onto the document or also apply a label to the document. You can also already enter the filing and sorting attributes on documents that you have written or created yourself. By scanning documents together with the filing and sorting attributes (metadata), BvLArchivio knows where and how to archive this document. If you are able to print barcodes, you can also enter your filing and sorting attributes using barcode labels. BvLArchivio can read all standard types of barcode. If you possess multifunctional devices equipped with the latest technology, you can already add your filing and sorting attributes at the scanner at the time the document is scanned by either entering them on the scanner or selecting them using a saved button. As soon as you start to repeat the same filing processes and develop clear rules at your company for where and how documents should be archived (e.g. till receipts for one month, all incoming invoices in one month, all processes for one project), you can add your selected registry and filing attributes (metadata) when scanning the paper document. This technology saves you time-consuming follow-up work at your workstation after scanning.


Our employees are available to assist you with any questions, wishes and problems on our service hotline: +49 30 4547810.

You are welcome to arrange an appointment with us for a free demonstration of the system without any obligation.
You can contact us Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • GmbH
  • Müllerstraße 138 D
  • 13353 Berlin
  • +49 (0)30-454781-0


Our employees are available to assist you with any questions, wishes and problems on our service hotline: +49 30 4547810.

You are welcome to arrange an appointment with us for a free demonstration of the system without any obligation.
You can contact us Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • GmbH
  • Müllerstraße 138 D
  • 13353 Berlin
  • +49 (0)30-454781-0